What do you notice in the picture below? Likely, your eye was naturally drawn to the beautiful and historic Berliner Cathedral, which boasts of the rich spiritual history and traditions of Germany. But what else do you see? Look on the horizon! Do you notice all the cranes? I think we counted 16 total. Maybe you can spot even more. In many ways, the crane symbolizes modern Berlin. As a city formerly divided and devastated by WWII (over 80% was destroyed), the cranes testify to how Berlin is still recovering and rebuilding herself from the ground up. But something else is happening, too. As the physical walls are reconstructed, what follows is a powerful rebranding of societal identity and an astounding quest for spiritual truth that is remarkable for an atheist-dominated culture. Indeed, the people of Berlin are not just ready for rebuilding of the city but also restoration of the soul. Our prayer is that they would build upon Jesus, the sure foundation and only solid rock. We believe that God wants to do this new work in Berlin and desires to accomplish it through ordinary Christians who respond to his call.